Lucy Xin Luo

Staff Accountant at

Buckley Dodds CPA

(604) 713-7077 Ext 107

About Lucy Xin Luo

Lucy holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of British Columbia.

Lucy leverages her academic background to provide audit and assurance services to our clients. She prides herself in her attention to detail and analytical acumen to contribute to the collective success of the profession.

Outside of the office, Lucy cherishes quality time with her loved ones, embarks on thrilling hiking adventures in nature's embrace, explores new horizons through travel, and finds solace in the pages of a good book. Her zest for life and diverse interests complement her dedicated work ethic.

How can we help you?

2700 1177 West Hastings St

Vancouver, BC

V6E 2K3

(604) 713-7099

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